Number of publications over the years
Number of publications over the years grouped by type
Number of publications over the years grouped by department
Visualisations per group over the years
Conference contributions over the years
Conference contributions grouped by subtype
Conference contributions grouped by research group
Conference contributions per research group over the years
Journal Ranking
Peer-reviewed Journals grouped by group and coded by impactfactor of the journal
!! Do you want to search for an author by his/her first and last name? Then you need to enter first the last name and thereafter the firstname
Change impact factors of the journals
Changed publications
Change other values in the database
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Due to typing errors in the database, some authors have multiple entries. The suggestions made this clear.
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(Work in Progress)
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Journals without impact factor
You can find the number of journal contributions without an impact factor. Cchange them on the tab 'Change DB'
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